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Username Post: Iron Circle in Darkfall        (Topic#6053)
04-12-09 03:54 PM - Post#55075    

Iron Circle has officially formed in the world of Darkfall! We're knocking the dust off and cleaning the cobwebs out the corners as we get a breath of fresh air with Darfall Online.

Our doors are once again open to new recruits! New recruits should take a look at our application forums and check out our rules and vision statment so you understand what kind of guild we are and the level of maturity we expect from our players. There is a decade of history in Iron Circle and it is important to understand that so you understand how and where you might fit in within our online family.

So old and new alike, saddle your horses, pack your bags, and get ready to partake in another great journey.

"All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory" - the King's Guard, Ancient Greece

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