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Username Post: Here we go again... Darkfall        (Topic#6540)
12-24-12 05:40 AM - Post#59480    

Darkfall, take 2. The IC folks will be playing Darkfall Unholy Wars. Having access to it through Steam should make for more players and a more interesting game. If you're into PvP with looting, check it out.

01-12-13 03:41 PM - Post#59510    

    In response to Kaliaa

I wish I had the time tostart another game! but we are focusing League pretty hard this season.

Is coms info up on forums somewhere id love to come in and catch up!

v1.0 Meh.. Still Playing with it.

01-13-13 01:06 AM - Post#59511    

    In response to TehG00SE

Yes, check member announcements.

01-14-13 10:16 AM - Post#59515    

    In response to Kaliaa

Huge patch went into that hopefully fixed alot of non playable issues.

  • Odium;4000783 Said:
I'm gonna name my alt JFK and ride around on a warhulk.

02-12-13 01:41 AM - Post#59553    

    In response to Towel

so is this the game of choice now i was trying to catch up and see where the omg legendary IC was at
A man's character is his fate.
Heraclitus (540 BC - 480 BC)

02-12-13 10:55 AM - Post#59556    

    In response to goodolpitch

Just a few of us, and we're kind of not playing much in the beta anymore because nobody wants to grind toons several times.

"All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory" - the King's Guard, Ancient Greece

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