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Username Post: overclocking pc        (Topic#6594)
03-15-14 09:32 AM - Post#59807    

trying to overclock my asus p5q pro E8500 core 2 duo but it won't boot properly afterward. Anyone have tips on how to overclock?

"All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory" - the King's Guard, Ancient Greece

03-15-14 10:41 AM - Post#59808    

    In response to Keyel

small steps at a time. when it fails, go back to previous stable boot.

Also some chips just won't overclock well. It's luck of the draw. Sometimes the exact same CPUs, one will overclock np the other won't.

here is a decent thread about what you are looking to do: Link
aka Ragn

03-16-14 12:08 AM - Post#59809    

    In response to Taro

I found some settings online and tried them but it would just not boot up. Tried playing with changing just one setting at a time and I was able to change some stuff, but could never get it to become stable.

"All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory" - the King's Guard, Ancient Greece

05-02-14 07:51 PM - Post#59838    

    In response to Keyel

when overclocking, u have to make sure that cooling isnt an issue. also make sure your PSU can handle the extra push power needed

'Most people with low self esteem have earned it.' - George Carlin

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